Just dig one hole

Just dig one hole

I was in a rough place. Everything that went wrong seemed so overwhelming. I was telling a friend how the fence in my backyard had rotted and fallen. It was stressing me out in such a big way. I was worried my dogs would get out, it looked terrible and it made me feel horrid. This broken down, rotten fence felt like a reflection of myself. My friend asked why I didn’t replace the fence.

I don’t have the money!
I can’t hire someone!
It’s too much!
It’s broken and there is nothing I can do.

He said why don’t you replace it yourself?

I can’t do that!
There’s no way!
It’s too big!
It’s too much!

He stopped for a minute, caught my eye, and said, “Just dig one hole.”

What? What do you mean? I can’t…It’s too much…

“Just dig one hole.” he repeated.

So I did. I grabbed a shovel and angrily went out where the fence was and I started to dig. I dug that first hole.

Then I figured out how to install the 4×4 fence post. I installed the first one…..I kept going.

And now I have a beautiful fence. It took time. I bought the pieces as I had money so it grew slowly. It’s not perfect. Some of the posts aren’t exactly the same height as the others. But it’s amazing and I built it.

I spent most of the Covid Lockdown building, replacing, and fixing and I did it all myself. My house is not recognizable from what it was two years ago. Recently I replaced my broken dishwasher. Installation was going to be $250. Nope, I will do it myself. But that inner voice came in;

I can’t do that!
There’s no way!
It’s too big!
It’s too much!

But I repeated to myself “just dig one hole”

I took it slowly, and was careful but I did it. I installed my new dishwasher. And I feel like there is nothing I can’t do. All I need to do is dig that first hole.

Last night I was talking to one of my closest friends. She is fighting cancer. Happily, she is winning. She told me there were some things she says every day she wakes up;

1. What are you going to do with the gifts you’ve been given?
2. Pain is weakness leaving the body.
3. Trauma that is not transformed is transferred.
4. Just dig one hole.

It startled me. She told me that when I talked about building my fence she felt something. And watching me make all these changes to my house has inspired her. So now Just dig one hole is part of her mantra. I teared up when she said that. Goosebumps popped up on my arm.

So when life gets too big,

When you think to yourself;

I can’t do that!
There’s no way!
It’s too big!
It’s too much!

Just dig one hole. You may not be able to do more than that. But just digging that one hole is an accomplishment and who knows what it will lead to.